Can you survive Total Cornage? Ruthless combines threaten your fields. Destroy them all and use their blood to fertilize your fields. 

Objectives: Gather 300 corn as fast as possible. Don't fly off the map.


WASD to move. 

Left click to pew pew. (shoot enemies)

Left Control to seed fields with seeds gathered from seed bins 

Right click to "fertilize" fields

Left Shift to harvest fields

If running in browser beware browser hotkeys Ctrl-W, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-D (make sure you're moving before using abilities). Or just download and run it locally.

Very different than full featured design but made in 72 hours!

Made by a two person team from Blunderbuss Studios (little Indie startup) for Ludum 41


TotalCornage.rar 16 MB

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